September 2024, new release v1.3


Improve the FAIRness of your web resources


FAIR-Checker is a tool aimed at assessing FAIR principles and empowering data provider to enhance the quality of their digital resources.

Data providers and consumers can check how FAIR are web resources. Developers can explore and inspect metadata exposed in web resources.

Inspect: how it works ?

FAIR-Checker leverages semantic web technologies to check that metadata use standards and recognized ontologies or controlled vocabularies.
First, embedded semantic annotations are extracted from web pages, forming a minimal knowledge graph (Step 1). Then, this minimal knowledge graph is completed based on already deployed knowledge graphs: Datacite, OpenAire, WikiData (Step 2). Finally (Step 3), the resulting knowledge graph is tested to check that classes and properties are recognized through Linked Open Vocabularies (LOV), Ontology Lookup Service (OLS), or Bioportal. The last verification (Step 4) consists in validating the resource metadata against Bioschemas community profiles.
The metadata assesment flow:


Gaignard, A., Rosnet, T., de Lamotte, F., Lefort, V., & Devignes, M. (2023). FAIR-Checker: supporting digital resource findability and reuse with Knowledge Graphs and Semantic Web standards. Journal of Biomedical Semantics, 14.
Rosnet, Thomas, Lefort, Vincent, Devignes, Marie-Dominique, & Gaignard, Alban. (2021). FAIR-Checker, a web tool to support the findability and reusability of digital life science resources. JOBIM (JOBIM), Paris.
Gaignard, Alban, Rosnet, Thomas, de Lamotte, Frédéric, & Devignes, Marie-Dominique. (2021, June 4). Automatic evaluation of FAIR metrics. Elixir All-Hands meeting.


This project is funded by the French institute for Bioinformatics (IFB) through the PIA2 11-INBS-0013 grant.